Timbale|baked rice




<p>400 g St. Andrea rice<br>
100 g minced veal<br>
3 eggs<br>
100 g provola cheese <br>
100 g sausage<br>
3 chicken livers<br>
stale homemade bread crumbs<br>
grated pecorino cheese<br>
olive oil<br>
tomato sauce<br>
salt and pepper</p>

Make meatballs by mixing veal with one egg, breadcrumbs, a little bit of pecorino cheese, chopped parsley and garlic, black pepper and salt. Fry the meatballs in plenty of hot boiling olive oil. Meanwhile, sauté the livers and separately cook the rice highly al dente in plenty of salted water. Drain and spread one half in a baking pan after pouring in it a few tablespoons of sauce. Add more sauce, meatballs, thinly sliced sausages and cheese, chopped fried livers and two sliced hard-boiled eggs. Sprinkle with pecorino cheese and pepper and cover with the other half of the rice. Add more tomato sauce and bake at 200° for about 20 minutes.

you prepare it with
S. Andrea