Arborio rice croquettes|with tomato and parsley sauce




For the croquettes:
100 g of Arborio Curtiriso rice
50 g of parmesan cheese
1 small egg
frying oil
For the sauce:
tomato puree
evo oil
a small onion
lots of parsley

Put the rice in a saucepan, add enough water to cover it by one finger, add salt and turn on the heat. Cover, but not completely, the pot and cook until the rice has absorbed all the water. Let it cool down, add the egg and grated Parmesan cheese and form small, elongated, cylindrical croquettes.
Put the oil to heat up, and when it is hot, dip the croquettes, a few at a time and fry them until golden brown. Season lightly with salt and serve with the sauce you have prepared by browning the onion in a tiny bit of oil and then adding the tomato puree and parsley leaves and keep cooking until you have
A well-restricted sauce.

you prepare it with