Rice pudding




150 g Originario rice
half liter
50 g butter
80 g sugar
50 g raisins
30 g candied citron
3 eggs
1 glass of rum
orange scraping

Boil the rice with little salt and when it reach the first boil, drain it replacing water with boiling milk, stir and cook slowly over low heat. After about forty minutes, when the rice has become tender and thick, let it cool down. Place the rice in a bowl and mix it with the chopped butter adding the rum, orange peel, raisins and cedar pieces. Combine one whole egg and two yolks with the mixture, leaving the egg white aside. Grease a smooth mold with butter and sprinkle it with semolina or breadcrumbs. Beat the egg whites until stiff, combine them with the rice
and pour the mixture into the mold. Cook possibly in the bain-marie in oven at moderate heat for three quarters of an hour.

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