Tomatoes|stuffed|with rice




60 g Vialone Nano rice
4 large tomatoes
4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
4 basil leaves
1 tablespoon of chopped parsley

Wash the tomatoes, dry them and remove the cap with the stem.
After removing the seeds inside, add a little bit of salt in the resulting cavity and turn them upside down so that they lose some of their vegetation water (which should be kept along with the seeds).
After about 15 minutes, flip the tomatoes over again and separately cook the rice in plenty of boiling salted water and drain it when it’s highly al dente.
Place it in a bowl whose sides will have been well rubbed with the crushed clove of garlic, add the parsley, chopped basil leaves, olive oil, tomato water and seeds.
Season with salt and pepper and stir to mix everything together.
Stuff the tomatoes with the resulting mixture, lay them in a baking dish greased with oil, cover them with their respective caps and bake them in a 160° oven for about 30 minutes.
Perfect to be enjoyed both hot and cold.

you prepare it with
Vialone Nano